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I had a great time at my lesson with Randy (McCarty Training Level 2 Coach, ID Angel Team Member).  He gave me a lot of information about my bike, and adjusted my bike so it fits perfectly for me! He taught me some skills that will definitely help me with my riding so I can become a better rider.  I can't wait until my next lesson!! - Melissa (Hardtail Honies)

My first training session with Bob McCarty was outstanding.  He definitely knows how to explain things clearly and througouhly at the same time covering a lot of topics in only the first session. I learned a lot of fundemental tools that I needed in order to improve my riding skills.  Looking forward to my next training session!  Thanks Bob!  - Alyssa

I would like to start off by saying that it was a pleasure meeting and being instructed by a such a professional. He's not just a professional because of his skills on a mountain bike, but also by the way he conducts himself with his students. He's someone that sincerely enjoys teaching and you notice it when he gets excited after you've done something right. I, like many people, thought that I knew a lot about mountain biking. I was genuinely humbled after the first 20 minutes of the class. I strongly recommended Mr. McCarty's clinic to anyone looking to improve their skills or anyone who wants to be safer and have more fun. Thank you, and I look forward to our next clinic. - Adrian

Bob thank you so much for the information. Many things that you said in the clinic went thru my head as I was racing. I didn’t come in last this time. I came in 9th out of 13. I was pretty excited. I did make all the 5 consecutive hills with your momentum information. I had so much fun on that section. - Stacey

Bob, thanks for all your help last week.  The way you explained everything from the equipment to the basic techniques helped me have more confidence on the trails.  I went to Markham today and tckled some trails that I was always afraid to. Did not fall once (nice saves though) and worked on maintaining the flow and momentum.  I also had someone behind me telling me "hands!" Thanks for your help.  - Juan

Thanks for the pointers at Gainesville on Sat. They really made sense. The saddle height made a lot of difference, as did staying off of it in the turns. On the first lap, I didn't even remember doing the one climb that we practiced around mile 3. I guess I had enough momentum to "flow" right up it. Pete

Hey Bob, Just wanted to let you know that after your clinic my confidence was boosted 100%. After my wreck in FSC #1 it was exactly what I needed. My conservative goal for Sunday was to FINISH in about 20th place and avoid any hard crashes. I left at an easy pace off the start and was able to make some passes through the next two laps. I ended up finishing 12th without any incidents on the course. In conclusion your tips for position on the bike, and Drew's insight of the best lines were very helpful. Drew did run a little long on the course so I missed your nutrition portion, but I will probably come out to ride with you at least one more time during the season. Thanks again, Jim Spurk

Hi Bob, I took your class along with 3 of my friends about a month ago. I just wanted to give you some feedback about the class. My friends and I have been implementing the techniques you taught us with a lot of success; we improved our lap times in Markham Park by a few minutes. I feel that what helped me the most was the shifting and going over obstacles I have also tried different configurations setups on my bike to help cornering and braking. Nonetheless also follow your advices on training and nutrition. I would definitely recommend your class. Thanks again on behalf of me and friends Danny Morales, Rafael Osorio, Daniel Mora and Herman Deveer

I wanted to thank you again for sharing your knowledge with us yesterday, it was a really good clinic, and I feel like I learned a great deal. Hopefully we'll do another clinic in the near future. I have already recommended you to some of my friends and they should be contacting you soon to make arrangements for a clinic. Danny

Letter to Gone Riding Promotions: I hope you plan on having Bob McCarty out there doing clinics in the future. I'm new to racing and he taught me more in two hours then I have learned in years riding on my own. Usually when I see guys at his level they are blowing by me, so it was great to get out on the trail and have him teach a few things. I didn't win, but I think I did much better then I would have because of the clinic  - Jack


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